Thursday, January 7, 2021

Beauty in Royalty

   Ever wonder why birds look so wonderful when they are up there in the sky. Don’t look to me for the answer it was just one of my ways to start this, whatever they call it. But, why cannot we as people have that same radiant look as well, down here where God has placed us to live. In fact we can by doing just almost a hand full of things, we have to do just to be our self or should I say being you.
  The truth of the matter is we are to know who we are and not just by name or by profession, but who we are in Christ Jesus the king of Nazareth .It is written in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that old things have passed away and behold all things has become new, which shows that we are renewed in Christ Jesus ( the new birth). That my people had separated us from others, we are separate from the worldly people and things.
    It was also registered in that book the book of life that we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them, taken from Ephesians 2:10.which means that we are created with a purpose in mind that purpose is to work for Christ, that job description entails a lot but everyone doesn’t have to do the same job we are to work in diversity and at the same time united.(1 Corinthians 12:12)
   In 1 peter 2:9 it speaks of a royal priest hood a holy nation and a people of his own .we were born into a wealthy family man,because we are royalty and that word royalty means  authority and power we have power  to command things to move and to be put into place we have the authority to trample  demonic things and pull down strong holes in our lives, we have the power to declare and decree  that things be done and they should be done.
     Come on Church I feel like preaching in this place, when I speaks of church am not speaking of the physical temple here am speaking of the people for the people are the church of God there in which the spirit of God dwells. Let me continue do you know that we are the vine of Jesus Christ John 15:5, he said we are the vine; he is the branches if we abide in him he will abide in us. This isn’t any physical vine here it as simple as this we all make up the church of God if we read the word and ponder on it we will make multiple if we sit still and do nothing the devil will tempt us greatly casing us to fall apart .

    The thing is in Christ we are beautiful more than we know in ourselves, we are to know who we are and what we are to know what we want and can handle in this life time. It’s not an easy world out there and so we are to be prepared physically, emotionally, mentally and most importantly Spiritually, to show the world the beauty that we posses in Christ and trust me once the world see that beauty in you there would be yes little problems but at least you can deal with them, be confident,be respectful, be you and most importantly be  grounded in Christ because that’s where the true beauty comes from.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Days

  It all begins about five years ago when I just got accepted at the T.A.M.C.C  it was the best thing that could of ever happen to me, going to the city everyday ,seeing new faces as I walked the sidewalks ,even making small chats with total strangers because, I am that type of person. But the bigger thing yet to come was school itself, oh my getting a grade point average of over two wasn't much of a challenge but it still took determination and hard work, while others choose to sit under the green bench and be involved in entertaining activities, just a few sat in the library reading books or working in groups trying to complete their assessment   for the next class to come.
   These years were something boy, “yes it was nothing but amazing” .From getting  a five buck for school  to getting double that, from wearing uniform to getting into something a little more comfortable , like jeans and tight fitted tops or T-Shirt and saggy jeans  or even a leaning pants. My I use to enjoy getting myself ready for school ,and on that note yes getting ready for school was like a  traditional thing. Waking up early  in the morning  making my own breakfast because, mama was  still asleep ,bathing dressing packing bags for school , lie!. I never use to pack my bag  every morning . Simply because I used  the same books everyday and so I never have to unpack  for the next school day a matter a fact ,I always did  all  of my home work at the library at school  and so  never had  a chance of going  in my bag when I get home ,but that’s  cool I was just one of the students  that use the library let’s say majority of the  time every break or minute I got.

    Hmm  College oh how I miss those days. Now in this real world is a big skip for me, from being fed to finding my own. From being cool under the AC  in the library and classrooms, to working hard in the sun wiping sweat from my forehead every minute  of the day ,or I should say at least a few times , just to provide for yourself and siblings. From having a nice and respectful tutor helping you daily with your assignments to ragging bosses telling you what to do, when to do ,and how to do it.  Society is chaotic because  you then realized that what you've been learning in school for all these years doesn't really apply in  dealing with your bosses attitude and oh ,the grumpy employees around you ,patiently waiting for you to do something wrong to report you to higher authorities , it’s something much more than stretching your hands to your parents for school money. Instead  we have to work twice as hard for what we got free years ago ,with no strings attach.
    The truth of the matter is life is full of surprises; we have to expect the unexpected, creating our own opportunities .The Government cannot provide everyone with jobs although they are one of the biggest employer  on  island. Be grateful for what you have , contentment is the key for today’s success story, and don’t you forget the main thing thank God daily for what you have what you had and what you want happen in your future.